Thursday, October 3, 2013

Do You Know How To Breathe?

This may seem like a foolish question because obviously everyone who is alive know how to breathe.  It is so simple. Breathe in. Breathe out.

The problem is that 95% of all Americans are breathing wrong. You might think how can I breathe wrong. I'm still here and I am inhaling and exhaling. Yes you do that, but you are probably not breathing properly. Poor breathing is on important factor that can set you up for developing disease.

Poor breathing robs your body of necessary oxygen. Poor breathing triggers the catecholamine stress cascade and causes your muscles to tighten into knots of tension that increases your blood pressure and increases your risks of stroke and heart attack.

Right now as you read this blog hunched up in your chair you are probably breathing poorly. I bet that before you started reading this blog that you were not aware of your breath at all.

Get more information in our book Live Longer Live Healthier

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Monday, September 30, 2013

How Do I Eat For Dynamic Energy?

The power of eating well  can not be overemphasized. How and what you eat has a greater impact on your body than anything else you can do. Even more important than exercise is the fuel, the nutrients, and the vitamins that you take in.

The problem with eating is that people are confused. Americans are bombarded with so much information every day that the message gets lost with the words. Add to that the fact that the food and diet industries have been dishing out misinformation for years. Its no wonder people are confused.

We have created the TriEnergetics nutritional plan to sift through the half-truths and give you an easy-to-understand, simple to follow plan for eating for optimal health. This plan is based on the best nutritional science and has been tested and proven to be effective in our seminars.

Get more information in our book Live Longer Live Healthier

or visit our website at

Sunday, September 29, 2013

How Much Copper Do you Need?

Copper is a trace metal essential needed for energy production, wound healing, nervous system health and other body functions. It is highly unusual to have a problem with too much copper in your system, but having too little copper can exacerbate arthritis, cancer, osteoporosis, depressed immunity and neurological problems.

There is even some evidence that copper supplementation may slow Alzheimer's disease. The bottom line is that some copper should be in your diet. There are many foods such as nuts, seeds whole grains and legumes that are rich in copper. Other than that you should take a multivitamin that supplies no more than 100% of the RDA for copper.

Get more information in our book Live Longer Live Healthier

or visit our website at