Thursday, November 5, 2015

The Majority Of U.S. Adults Are On Medication

In our books and our blogs we have emphasized the importance of a balanced life style. The seeds that you plant today will determine your health as you get older. With this in mind the article that we saw in today's news resonates with us and we hope that it does with you.

59% of all U.S. adults are now on prescription medication. Furthermore this number increases yearly.The researchers who published this study in the Journal of the American Medical Association stated that there was no single explanation for this rise in prescription drug use, but the primary cause was the obesity epidemic. Of the 10 drugs that were most widely used eight are prescribed to treat diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and other conditions related to being obese.

This nation is heading into a health crises. In our book Live Longer Live Healthier we pose the question. Do you want to live longer in poor health? This is the reality that many will be facing if they do not take positive steps do develop a healthier life style while they are younger.

Get more information in our book Live Longer Live Healthier

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