Monday, October 5, 2015

Does An Aspirin A Day Keep The Doctor Away?

There are many medicines that are like a double edged sword. By this we mean that a particular medication may have a powerful effect on treating illness. The same medication may have serious and even fatal side effects. Cortisone is one of these medications. Aspirin is another.

There is some interesting and important news about aspirin. Most of us know that low dose aspirin has been recommended for adults who are at an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. In fact one study found that there was a 22% decrease in heart attacks in patients at risk who took a daily low dose pill.

Of equal importance is the fact that another study found that those who took a daily low dose aspirin pill for ten years had a  40% lower risk of colon cancer.

These impressive results present a dilemma that should be discussed with you doctor. A decision needs to be made whether in your particular case the benefit of taking a daily low dose aspirin pill outweighs the risks.

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1 comment:

  1. Can an aspirin a day keep the doctor away? Read the new blog
