One health tip to live longer is this. EAT LESS! You may have doubts because this seems to be to easy, but here is some clinical evidence. For example the Journal of Gerontology recently published a landmark study. 218 people ages 21 to 50 were assigned diets. Half of them ate whatever they liked and half were told to cut calories by 25% At the end of the two year study the low calorie group lost an average of 10% of their body weight. Of greater importance there was an average blood pressure drop of 4%, total cholesterol drop of 6%, and a 47% drop in C-reactive protein.
C-reactive protein is an inflammatory marker linked to heart disease and other illnesses. The conclusion was that just reducing your caloric intake is a key to living well and longer. Try it yourself and let us know if you notice any changes in your body.
C-reactive protein is an inflammatory marker linked to heart disease and other illnesses. The conclusion was that just reducing your caloric intake is a key to living well and longer. Try it yourself and let us know if you notice any changes in your body.