Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The Secret To Living Longer

Live Longer Live Healthier

The recent longevity issue of time magazine has new and exciting news about health and longevity. The attention getting title is that it;s the little things that matter. It goes on to state that  new science shows that the daily choices you make can help you live better and longer. This latest science is showing that extending life is attainable for many of us with just a few small changes that are not hard to do and won't make you miserable.

Is this exciting news? Yes! Is this new news? Absolutely not. In our first book TriEnergetics we pointed out a way to get healthier. It was based upon making simple changes in what you ate, how you moved your body and how to manage the stress in your life.

In the sequel Live Longer Live Healthier we added to the program with additional information. Our intent was to  show that making these simple changes could have a profound effect on your health. These principles are as valid today as they were when we wrote the books. Read the books, decide for yourself and move on to better health and longevity

Get more information in our book Live Longer Live Healthier

or visit our website at

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